Per Paul Shapiro:
When you're finished you can right-click the object in the db window
and choose Check-In. I usually add a comment indicating the changes.
What does one do when they want to pass a copy of the app to
another developer?
Zip up the file from one's own drive with the VSS-specific stuff
in it and sent it to the other person?
I finally got a version of the app to load into VSS on the fourth
If anybody else is going to do this, here's what I've discovered
so far:
1) Objects whose names begin with "$" must be deleted or renamed
2) Any links to non-existent tables must be deleted. e.g.
work tables which get created on-the-fly, but whose
links stay on after the work db is deleted.
Next steps for Yours Truly:
1) Do a build from the version I've got loaded right now.
2) Test that build to make sure it has all it's functionality.
3) Figure out how to make a change to the build, then save the
4) Re-build and see if the change sticks.
5) Figure out how to maintain parallel versions. e.g.
we're working towards a big release sometime next month,
but the users want a small change to the existing production
version. This seems like a biggie to me....