Visualizing data in Excel (dynamic charts)




Has anyone on this list done this, or something similar?

Suppose you have, say, the assessed value of residential property i
351 cities and towns, for each year from 1980 to 2002. It's easy t
calculate a rate of change between any two points in time for eac
community, but it's harder to get a sense of which ones were unusual i
their patterns over many data points: which ones moved up when other
moved down, which ones showed sustained growth, which ones wer
laggards and took off recently, etc.

Do you know of a tool that would help visualize that info. Say:

a) create a series of line charts for the Web for each town? So you ca
tell it which points to plot, and it churns out a Web page with 35
line charts?

b) use a pick list: you pick a town, and the line chart for that tow
is generated and displayed.

How hard is this? What's the simplest way to accomplish this?



Bill Dedma

Tushar Mehta

Consider a PivotTable (and PivotChart). Experiment with:

(a) the town and year as row fields, and assessed values as data fields
(b) the town as a row field, the year as a column field, and assessed
values as data fields
(c) the reverse of (b).

Once done, you can restrict the row and/or columns as desired to compare
across towns/time. A PT also supports a (limited) calculated field


Tushar Mehta
MS MVP Excel 2000-2004
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA tutorials and add-ins
Custom Productivity Solutions leveraging MS Office

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