I have a file that tracks Order # and the receipts that have been
completed... The receiving details is generated from our system and dumped
into a file which i just copy into Tab#2....I then summarize with pivot
table....New Order # are constantly being added to Tab #1 and I need to have
the vlookup formula to expand with the pivot table expanding.... eg today
pivot table starts at A2 and ends on line A10 and tommorow ends on A20 (how
can the vlookup in qty received column be adjusted without manually changing
and then coping all the way down chart
TAB #1 (main tab all user acess)
ORDER # Material Order QTY Outstanding QTy QTY Received
123 a 100 75
234 b 50 0
345 a 20 5
TAB # 2 (receiving history )
ORDER # Material QTY Received Date
123 a 15 7/21
234 b 25 7/21
123 a 10 7/31
345 a 15 8/1
234 b 25 8/1
TAB #3 (PIVOT TABLE of Tab #2)
ORDER # QTY Received
123 25
234 50
345 15
Hope not too confusing...
I have a file that tracks Order # and the receipts that have been
completed... The receiving details is generated from our system and dumped
into a file which i just copy into Tab#2....I then summarize with pivot
table....New Order # are constantly being added to Tab #1 and I need to have
the vlookup formula to expand with the pivot table expanding.... eg today
pivot table starts at A2 and ends on line A10 and tommorow ends on A20 (how
can the vlookup in qty received column be adjusted without manually changing
and then coping all the way down chart
TAB #1 (main tab all user acess)
ORDER # Material Order QTY Outstanding QTy QTY Received
123 a 100 75
234 b 50 0
345 a 20 5
TAB # 2 (receiving history )
ORDER # Material QTY Received Date
123 a 15 7/21
234 b 25 7/21
123 a 10 7/31
345 a 15 8/1
234 b 25 8/1
TAB #3 (PIVOT TABLE of Tab #2)
ORDER # QTY Received
123 25
234 50
345 15
Hope not too confusing...