VLOOK up Question



In column A, B, and F I have look up tables which correspond to my data in
Columnd D. Everything works great until as long as D11 data is
alphabetically before D12, but if I try to enter things which are not
alphabetical I yield results. How do I correct this?

Bernard Liengme

We would have more luck helping you if you showed us the VLOOKUP formula you
are using
All look-up function need the data to be sort either ascending or descending
Also the key (the item looked up) need to be in the first column of the
If this is not possible then you have to use a mixture of MATCH and INDEX
Give more details of the data layout and someone will be able to help you.
best wishes

Ken Wright

Take a look at the HELP for that function, and you may well find that the
optional last argument of 0 or FALSE fixes your problem. This argument
ensures an exact match is found in order to return a result, regardless of



I have made a change to my data since my last post. I am using a validation
table in column b and based off my selection I used the following formula to
populate the pricing for the item. =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B14:B39,'look
up'!C4:H159,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(B14:B39,'look up'!C4:H159,2,FALSE))

Everything works smooth unless I try to select data which does not fall
alphabetically, problem is the users I am creating this for will not
neccassarily be selecting their products alphabetically.

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