VLOOKUP best formula to use?


Rich K.

I have a worksheet that I have to update daily from data that is created by
an SQL query for orders created and not sent. I have to distinguish between
production and test vendors. I keep a separate worksheet that has the vendor
number, description and status. Once I update the first spreadsheet with the
SQL data, I would like to run something against my second worksheet that
would change the background color of the test vendors, parallel vendors, etc.
in the first spreadsheet based on the vendor/status in the second.

Hope that makes sense and I am not sure if VLOOKUP with conditional
formatting would be my choice.


squenson via OfficeKB.com

I would return with VLOOKUP the vendor status and put it in a separate column
(always easier when you have to sort later on, Excel will not allow sorting
using just colors!), then a conditional formatting on the whole row using
that cell as reference. Excel supports 3 conditional formatting, plus the
default color it makes a maximum of four options. With a macro, you could
have as many colors as you want.

Please give us more details about the position of your vendor code, status in
the sheet, and we will be able to give you exact formulas.

Stephane Quenson.

Rich K.

In the "POs Unsent 2007", the vendor number is in column D, with anywhere
from 1 to 2500 rows. In the "EDI Status Report", the vendor number is in
column A and status is in column C, with anywhere from 1 to 50 rows.

Hope this explains it and many thanks for any and all help.

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