Hamed parhizkar
In this following formula, when the reference cells are not inputed yet an
N/A shows in the cell. The formula is as follows
=IF($K$35="","",VLOOKUP($K$35,'C:\Documents and Settings\dglenn\Desktop\[A-2
DAILY.xls]DATA BANK'!$A$1:$AH$100,2,FALSE))
How can this cell be a blank instead of N/A when there is nothing in the
referencing cells.
N/A shows in the cell. The formula is as follows
=IF($K$35="","",VLOOKUP($K$35,'C:\Documents and Settings\dglenn\Desktop\[A-2
DAILY.xls]DATA BANK'!$A$1:$AH$100,2,FALSE))
How can this cell be a blank instead of N/A when there is nothing in the
referencing cells.