Vlookup form.



Hello once again.
I have a sheet that transfers data from it, over to a printable Ticke
Much of the data will be the same, time after time (i.e. every truc
has the same Tare and is owned by the same company). I have anothe
sheet that the data on which is automatically updated with the each o
the truck's Tare etc. The problem is, I need to get it so that when
enter the truck's number in cell "G5" it automatically transfers th
Tare (which is on the same row on the other sheet- titled Lookupsrc
into cell "f15" and so on... but I can't figure the Vlookup functio
out. Is it possible that someone here could help me?


Frank Kabel

Hi Josh
maybe you should explain your issue with some example data (posted in
plain text). So just give us sume rows/colu,mns from your Ticket sheet
and from your lookup sheet.
This - together with an example for the target cell and what your
exspected result would be based on the example data - would help to
understand your problem and provide a solution to you. To be honest
with your current description I could only offer to have something like

In general I think your problem could quite easily be solved (really
sound just like some usual VLOOKUPs, MATCHes, etc.)

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