VLOOKUP formula



I am using a VLOOKUP formula in a sheet that is used for Employee Data Entry.
I have used it so that I do not have to enter the Employer and Trade once I
pick an employee from a drop down box.

The formula works when I have selected an employee from the list but when
the cell (say I2) the formula in cell J2 & K2 show up as #N/A until I have
selected an employee.

I need this not to show up becuase it is stuffing up the rest of my formulas
and calculations for the wages.

The formula that I have used is :
So the way the I worked it is if I8 equals anything in B2:J999 it shows the
value in row 2 of my employee table on the Employee worksheet but it shows
the #N/A if anything I8 is blank.


Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply.

I copied the formula over and it gets ride of the #N/A but it the will not
show up the information from row 2 for who his employer is.


Mike H


The only thing I changed in your formula was the sheet name, to save me
creating a sheet of that name. Check I've put it back in correctly. Also
check your data for rogue spaces.


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