vlookup function



I am trying to pull data from a list of items. I think I am trying to use a
nested vlookup but maybe not or maybe an array formula. If there is match
with column A & Column B I need Column J data. How do I achieve?

The worksheet is setup as follows:
In Column A I have a list of item numbers and there is more than one of the
same number. They are sorted in numerical order.

In column B, I also have numbered items Ex. If Column A has item#1 three
times. Column B has those three items numbered from 1 to 3.

how do I get data from Column J when the criteria for what is in column A is
met and column B is met - maybe a nested if array?


Bob Phillips

Do you mean

=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A20="item #"),--(B2:B20=1),J2:J20)



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


No, sorry for the confusing question.

Ex. I am trying to find the value in column J if 2 criteria are met. If
the data looks like below then if column A=2 and column B=3, I want dog
returned. It looks like it should be a nested vlookup but I am not sure how
to execute it.

Column A Column B Column J
1 1 gift
2 1 box
2 2 car
2 3 dog
3 1 cat
4 1 roof
4 2 pet


Bob Phillips


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.
Excel will automatically enclose the formula in braces (curly brackets), do
not try to do this manually.
When editing the formula, it must again be array-entered.

Note that you cannot use a whole column in array formulae (prior to excel
2007), but must use an explicit range.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)



Bob Phillips said:

which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.
Excel will automatically enclose the formula in braces (curly brackets), do
not try to do this manually.
When editing the formula, it must again be array-entered.

Note that you cannot use a whole column in array formulae (prior to excel
2007), but must use an explicit range.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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