There are actually 4 parameters in
The lookup value is what you are actually trying to find in 1st column of
the corresponding table/array, these would be the values, in your example, in
cells A2 through A10.
The table/array is in your example cells A2 through C10.
The column is the value in the table/array that you want to bring over. In
your example, this could be a 1, 2, or a 3, since the table/array is 3
columns. Yes, the 1st column would bring the value back that you are trying
to find.
The true/false is if you require an exact match (False is exact, True is as
close as excel can get up to and including an exact match).
So for example:
col A col b col c
row 2 A 1 11
row 3 B 2 12
row 4 C 3 13
row 5 D 4 14
row 6 E 5 15
row 7 F 6 16
row 8 G 7 17
row 9 H 8 18
row 10 I 9 19
so a if you had a value such as F in cell A15, in B15 you could have the
formula: =VLOOKUP(A15,A2:C10,2,FALSE)
And this would populate 6 in cell B15, as you are looking up the value F in
columns A2 thru A10, and want the 2nd column in the table/array A2:C10.