Vlookup function




I have two large spreadsheets that were created by downloading data from
another application. I am trying to link data between the spreadsheets with
the vlookup function. When I enter the formula manually it works, but when I
copy it down it gives the same value as the cell I copied it from even though
the lookup_value changes accordingly in the copied cell. If I simply edit
the copied cell and write over what appears as the same exact lookup_value
the correct value shows up. Has anyone fixed this type of problem before
where in a vlookup formula the lookup_value has to be manually entered to
work? Thanks!

Earl Kiosterud


Did you make the second argument (the table) absolute? You didn't give your formulas.
We're all sitting around here coming up with theories why you didn't do that. But here are
some guesses

=VLOOKUP(A2, G2:H200, 2)
should be
=VLOOKUP(A2, $G$2:$H$200, 2)

Earl Kiosterud

Note: Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
But if you bottom-post to a reply that's
already top-posted, the thread gets messy.
When in Rome...


The table was a defined named range and the defined name was entered for the
the table.

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