VLOOKUP help please!



Hi! I have never used VLOOKUP before and i am a bit confused! Wondering
if anyone might be able to offer some assistance!

On sheet 1:
this is the "Master list"
Column A has salespersons names
Column B-J have other info.

On sheets 2-20:
there will be a sheet for each one of the salespeople. So sheet 2 will
be for "Mike".

Each time it sees "Mike" in column A on sheet 1 i would like it to
transfer the info in that entire row to Mike's personal sheet (sheet2)

I wrote in yesterday asking for help & a gentleman was kind enough to
give me this formula: =vlookup($a2,sheet1!$a$1:$j$1000,column(),false)
....and then he said to copy across... but i must be doing something
wrong because it is not working. I have tried to study up on VLOOKUP
through "help" but i cannot figure it out! I've been monkeying around
with different "versions" of that formula & this is what i have done
(which still doesn't work correctly - i get the info to transfer over,
but when i copy down it gives me the same info over & over...like i
said: I DON'T GET IT!!) Please help!!

My formula: =VLOOKUP("mike",Sheet1!$A$1:$J$1000,2,FALSE)


insert a column, B, number it 1-??, count the space over to the colum
you want it to pick up the info. if cell B13 has the number 3 in it
it will pick up that information in col. 3,
so change the 2 in the formula to B?.
copy and paste accross the pag


You are close, just change the column number from 2 to the appropriat
column i.e.

Vlookup("mike",Sheet1!$a$1:$j$1000,3,false) will pull from column c
Vlookup("mike",Sheet1!$a$1:$j$1000,4,false) will pull from column d
Vlookup("mike",Sheet1!$a$1:$j$1000,5,false) will pull from column e
Vlookup("mike",Sheet1!$a$1:$j$1000,6,false) will pull from column f
Vlookup("mike",Sheet1!$a$1:$j$1000,7,false) will pull from column g
etc... etc...

Hope that help

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