Lance Hebert

I have a spreadsheet, which is shared on a network that has a number of
columns in it and a very large list of entries. I want to be able to add a
column that would look at a couple of the columns within each row and
determine, based on more criteria, who would be assigned to that particular
line. I would like the column to add the name of the person assigned based on
two other pieces of information in the column.

Here is the information:
Columns A-M, where Column E (Area) and Column J (Type) would be needed to
determine who would be assigned to this line. I know how to setup a VLOOKUP
for one item and attach a name to it from another sheet/tab, but how do I
make it so it would be similar to: If Column E is ... and Column J is ..., or
...., or .... than, Sue is assigned.

Any help is appreciated.


Sean Timmons

That would depend on how many people you'd be assigning.

you can use If...Then


Or perhaps...


You can nest several If statements, but if you're looking at a lot of names,
you'd want to look at doing Visual Basic code and a Select...Case...

Lance Hebert

There will be a very large list of name, utlimately. Where could I go to get
assistance with that type of VBA code? Thanks for the help.

Sean Timmons

If you are using Microsoft's Discussion Groups to get here, use the list at
left and select Excel > Programming.

It's always possible someone with coding skills is available in this group,
but you know you'll find them in Programming...

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