vlookup help



I have attached a small portion of my file. In worksheet 1 the onl
thing I want to have to change is the date (cell A1). I want cell
B2,B5,B8 to select the team from worksheet 2 in column B tha
corresponds to the date in cell A1. I want cells B3,B6,B9 to selec
the team from worksheet 2 in column C that corresponds to the date i
cell A1. This works fine for the 13-Oct-04 date but if I change it t
14-Oct-04 it doesn't work. Any ideas? Thank you.


Attachment filename: help.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=63647

Frank Kabel

in most cases this is due to formating issues. What exactly does not
work if you change the date. Do you get errors or wrong results?


I get the wrong results. For 13-Oct-04 there are 7 instances. It work
perfectly for these 7. this is what is gives me:

13-Oct-04 Team
E Canadiens
E Senators

E Flyers
E Lightning

W Wild
W Blackhawks

W Kings
W Avalanche

W Stars
W Coyotes

W Flames
E Ducks

W Canucks
W Sharks

When I change the date to 14-Oct-04 instead of finding the firs
occurance of 14-Oct-04 and proceeding from there it does this:

14-Oct-04 Team
E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Thrashers
E Hurricanes

E Flyers
E Panthers

W Wild
W Predators

You can see it picks the first occurance multiple times

Frank Kabel

and now please show the formulas you have used for this. Normall
VLOOKUP will ALWAYS return the first occurence of a match


This is the formula I have used


I changed the $A$1 to $A$2 in cell A5 and to $A$3 in cell A8 and so on


this works for the 13-Oct-04 date. If I delete the 13-Oct-04 rows i
sheet 2 it resets my formula to $A$1 in all of formulas instead o
keeping $A$2, $A$3, etc. If it would keep the $A$2, $A$3, etc
everything would work out fine


acutally it worked great. I forgot to hit ctrl/shift/ent. Thanks fo
all the help Frank

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