Vlookup Help



I have a calendar that uses Vlookup functions to look up a persons DOB
or other date from a list and displays the persons name if their DOB or
other date coincides with the calendar date. I can't figure out how to
display more than one person in the same cell (merged cells) if they
have the same DOB or other date. I would really appreciate any help.

01/01/2006 08/05/2006 BEN
01/01/2006 08/05/2006 SAM
01/01/2006 08/05/2006 JAMES

The function will only display the person that it finds first (BEN).

Here is the formula im using



Hi Willco,

May a Pivot table could help you a lot
regards from Brazil
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

"Willco" escreveu:

David McRitchie

You could use a filter instead, start with "AutoFilter", see
in order to use auto filer you would want to create helper columns
assuming that the date of birth is in A2
F2: =MONTH(A2)
G2: =DAY(A2)
Row 1 must have titles for the columns (column headers)
Data, Filter, Auto Filter
click on arrow on F1 and choose 8
click on arrow on G1 and chhose 5
you now have a filtered list. Note use blue on arrows denoting filtered.

To eliminate filtered results, to do a different filter
Data, Filter, Show All
Disqusted with filtering, don't need to restore the file, simply
Data, Filter, uncheck Autofilter

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