Need help as follows
Sheet 1 is my summary page
Column A contains sales reps ID (a1= 1234)
Column B will contain the required formula that will determine commission
Sheet 2 is the source page
Vlookup range is 'sheet2'!$A$10:$I$24
Cell D3 contains target of 7.8% (this value could can change YOY)
Cell E3 contains target of 7.3%
Cell F3 contains target of 6.5%
Need a formula that will vlookup 'sheet2'!$A$10:$I$24 and if that number is
less than or equal to 6.5% place a value of 200 % in Sheet 1 cell B1. If the
number is
greater than 6.5% but less than or eqaul to 7.3%, place a value of 100% in
Sheet 1 cell
B1, if the number is greater than 7.3% but less than 7.8% place a value of
80% and lastly if the number is greater than 7.8% place a 0%
Sheet 1 is my summary page
Column A contains sales reps ID (a1= 1234)
Column B will contain the required formula that will determine commission
Sheet 2 is the source page
Vlookup range is 'sheet2'!$A$10:$I$24
Cell D3 contains target of 7.8% (this value could can change YOY)
Cell E3 contains target of 7.3%
Cell F3 contains target of 6.5%
Need a formula that will vlookup 'sheet2'!$A$10:$I$24 and if that number is
less than or equal to 6.5% place a value of 200 % in Sheet 1 cell B1. If the
number is
greater than 6.5% but less than or eqaul to 7.3%, place a value of 100% in
Sheet 1 cell
B1, if the number is greater than 7.3% but less than 7.8% place a value of
80% and lastly if the number is greater than 7.8% place a 0%