vlookup help



I am using vlookup, which returns #N/A error. I have searched most Q/A's and understand when this error is returned. I know that the error is being returned as a result of the lookup value this it is using on the worksheet. The part I do not understand is that if I delete the value in the cell that is the reference to lookup value and then retype the exact same value, the formula works. Anyone have an idea of the cause?? I have already checked the cell format on both lookup value and table array and they are consistent

Please help


-----Original Message-----
I am using vlookup, which returns #N/A error. I have
searched most Q/A's and understand when this error is
returned. I know that the error is being returned as a
result of the lookup value this it is using on the
worksheet. The part I do not understand is that if I
delete the value in the cell that is the reference to
lookup value and then retype the exact same value, the
formula works. Anyone have an idea of the cause?? I
have already checked the cell format on both lookup value
and table array and they are consistent.


The problm might be extra spaces in the table containg the
lookup value. Even trailing space can cause this error,
by retyping the value you are deleting those trailing
space. Perhaps try using the 'Trim' function to remove
and unwanted spaces in your table.

Charlie O'Neill
-----Original Message-----
I am using vlookup, which returns #N/A error. I have
searched most Q/A's and understand when this error is
returned. I know that the error is being returned as a
result of the lookup value this it is using on the
worksheet. The part I do not understand is that if I
delete the value in the cell that is the reference to
lookup value and then retype the exact same value, the
formula works. Anyone have an idea of the cause?? I
have already checked the cell format on both lookup value
and table array and they are consistent.


-----Original Message-----
I am using vlookup, which returns #N/A error. I have
searched most Q/A's and understand when this error is
returned. I know that the error is being returned as a
result of the lookup value this it is using on the
worksheet. The part I do not understand is that if I
delete the value in the cell that is the reference to
lookup value and then retype the exact same value, the
formula works. Anyone have an idea of the cause?? I
have already checked the cell format on both lookup value
and table array and they are consistent.


In my experience the cell formatting has to be consistent
BEFORE the Vlookup formula is created.

I cannot guarantee that this is the solution but it's
worth a try
-----Original Message-----
I am using vlookup, which returns #N/A error. I have
searched most Q/A's and understand when this error is
returned. I know that the error is being returned as a
result of the lookup value this it is using on the
worksheet. The part I do not understand is that if I
delete the value in the cell that is the reference to
lookup value and then retype the exact same value, the
formula works. Anyone have an idea of the cause?? I
have already checked the cell format on both lookup value
and table array and they are consistent.

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