I need some help with a simple macro. I need it to spin thru all the rows of
Sheet B, do a vlookup using project number to pick up project name from Sheet
A, and place the project name in Sheet B.
Sample information:
Sheet A - Project Overview
Col A = Project Number (lookup field, match with Sheet B, Col D)
Col B = Project Name (to be copied to Sheet B MoProject Name after the
macro is run)
Sheet B - Monthly Project Details
Col D = MoProject Number (lookup field - match with Sheet A, Col A)
Col E = MoProject Name (empty prior to the macro being run, contains
Project Name from Sheet A after macro is run)
Sheet B, do a vlookup using project number to pick up project name from Sheet
A, and place the project name in Sheet B.
Sample information:
Sheet A - Project Overview
Col A = Project Number (lookup field, match with Sheet B, Col D)
Col B = Project Name (to be copied to Sheet B MoProject Name after the
macro is run)
Sheet B - Monthly Project Details
Col D = MoProject Number (lookup field - match with Sheet A, Col A)
Col E = MoProject Name (empty prior to the macro being run, contains
Project Name from Sheet A after macro is run)