Hispanic or Latino White
Not Hispanic or Latino African American
Not Hispanic or Latino Asian
Hispanic or Latino Afrian American
If a = Hispanic or Latino and b= white return value of Hispanic or Latino
If a = not Hispanic or Latino and b=white return value of white.
If a = Hispanic or Latino and b = African American return value of Hispanic
or Latino (all other races)
If a=not Hispanic or Latino and b=African American return value of African
Can this be done with a formula? Thanks.
Hispanic or Latino White
Not Hispanic or Latino African American
Not Hispanic or Latino Asian
Hispanic or Latino Afrian American
If a = Hispanic or Latino and b= white return value of Hispanic or Latino
If a = not Hispanic or Latino and b=white return value of white.
If a = Hispanic or Latino and b = African American return value of Hispanic
or Latino (all other races)
If a=not Hispanic or Latino and b=African American return value of African
Can this be done with a formula? Thanks.