vlookup na# error



Looking for help - I am Windows XP, Excel 2002

I am getting the NA# error - using the Vlookup function.

My formula =vlookup(A2,CORP!$A1:$B114,2,0)

Both the A2 column and A1 on CORP worksheet are formated as text. The
contents of A2 was pasted special (values only) from another column
and then formated as text. I have tried to form the new column as
Text and then pasted, but no luck. I have also tried formating the
data as numbers ( which they are) and then also formated the array.

I have sorted the data in the array as assending.

The array contains a store # in the first column and a price in the
second column.

Do I need to use the CNTRL+SHIFT+ENTR when entering the array?

I found that I need to make the CORP values absolute or they move down
when I do the entire data.

Your help will always be appreciated.

Thank you in Advance --




I tried this and got the same error, UNTIL I also formated the 1st
column of my ARRAY as TEXT(B1,"General") also.

Your help is greatly appreciated...

Thanks.. I have learned so much from this group over the past 2 years.

Kenlyn -

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