VLOOKUP not working anymore




For some unknown reason (to me at least), when I try to use the VLOOKUP
function now (on the same spreadsheet that I've been using for months), it
only shows the formula, and not the value that I'm trying to obtain.
However, when constructing the VLOOKUP function, when I fill in the
Lookup_Value, Table_Array, Col_index_num, and Range_Lookup fields, each time
I step through the fields, the values on the right of each respective field
ARE correctly shown. And down in the left corner, where it says "Formula
Result", that value is correct. But when I hit "OK", the only thing that
shows is the formula. Also, when I go the cell with the VLOOKUP function in
it, and right-click, and look in the "Sample" window, the value IS ALSO
correctly shown.

Cells that are using the VLOOKUP are formatted to General format.

Somehow, somewhere, I have changed a setting or something.

Why won't this work?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

BTW, when I try it on a brand new file, it works fine.


Hi Peo,

As I had said in my original post, the cell is ALREADY formatted to GENERAL.
But Thanks for trying to help, anyway. Any other ideas?


In TOOLS>OPTIONS>View - Window options
make sure you don't have "Formulas" checked

It's easily done as the keyboard shortcut is CTRL+` which is next to
CTRL+TAB for swiching workbooks or CTRL+1 for format cells!

Peo Sjoblom

Did you do the second part?
Try to replace the equal sign with the equals sign to force calculation.

If that doesn't work try Ctrl + `




The CTRL + ` worked.


Peo Sjoblom said:
Did you do the second part?
Try to replace the equal sign with the equals sign to force calculation.

If that doesn't work try Ctrl + `


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