Based on many posts, it would appear that VLOOKUP is the answer to my delima,
but I can't quite figure it out.
What I have is two worksheets. In SheetA, I have about 75 (A1:A75) rows of
data, each row is Unique. In worksheet B, I have about 400 rows (A1:A400),
which is the same type of data, but not unique (I may have up to 20 duplicate
entrys, as other columns in SheetB is unique).
What I'm trying to do is, in Sheet B, I want to look at each row in Column
B, and verify that value exists in SheetA columns A1:A75. If yes, then in
SHeetB, P1
400 I want either, Yes/No or True False.
SheetA SheetB
1-12345 1-12345 True
1-12346 2-12345 False
1-12347 1-12346 True
1-23456 1-23457 False
but I can't quite figure it out.
What I have is two worksheets. In SheetA, I have about 75 (A1:A75) rows of
data, each row is Unique. In worksheet B, I have about 400 rows (A1:A400),
which is the same type of data, but not unique (I may have up to 20 duplicate
entrys, as other columns in SheetB is unique).
What I'm trying to do is, in Sheet B, I want to look at each row in Column
B, and verify that value exists in SheetA columns A1:A75. If yes, then in
SHeetB, P1
SheetA SheetB
1-12345 1-12345 True
1-12346 2-12345 False
1-12347 1-12346 True
1-23456 1-23457 False