I have a project to create a "running" report that calculates various
formulas for each particular jobID, but the job ID's aren't entered yet ( to
be entered in the future in another worksheet within the same workbook), and
when they are, their are multiple jobID's to be summed up to create one jobID
with one value.
This is my scenario-
Expenses! (worksheet) has the following data
A1 = Date
B1 = jobID
C1 = totalexpense
note: one jobID may appear several times in B column depending on the number
of purchases made for that jobID
Profits! (worksheet within same workbook as above) has the following data
A1 = jobID
B1 = totalexpense
C1 = formulas I will enter later
How can I have Profits!A1 automatically sort through Expenses!A1:B100 to add
up the totals expenses for each respective jobID AS THE JOBID's ARE BEING
ENTERED IN THE FUTURE? For example, jobID100 apears 8 times with different
values each time. I need jobID100 to appear in Profits!A1 and the cumulative
total of the 8 times an expense was entered for jobID100 entered in
Profits!B1. Profits!B1 needs to be able to change in the event jobID100
appears again in the future.
Thanks in advance.
formulas for each particular jobID, but the job ID's aren't entered yet ( to
be entered in the future in another worksheet within the same workbook), and
when they are, their are multiple jobID's to be summed up to create one jobID
with one value.
This is my scenario-
Expenses! (worksheet) has the following data
A1 = Date
B1 = jobID
C1 = totalexpense
note: one jobID may appear several times in B column depending on the number
of purchases made for that jobID
Profits! (worksheet within same workbook as above) has the following data
A1 = jobID
B1 = totalexpense
C1 = formulas I will enter later
How can I have Profits!A1 automatically sort through Expenses!A1:B100 to add
up the totals expenses for each respective jobID AS THE JOBID's ARE BEING
ENTERED IN THE FUTURE? For example, jobID100 apears 8 times with different
values each time. I need jobID100 to appear in Profits!A1 and the cumulative
total of the 8 times an expense was entered for jobID100 entered in
Profits!B1. Profits!B1 needs to be able to change in the event jobID100
appears again in the future.
Thanks in advance.