Vlookup sum total




I have a list from From B2:F25 of items and amounts.

B2 C2 D3 D4 E2 F2
Plastic 1 Metal 3 Stone 4
Wood 2 Plastic 1
Wood 1 Plastic 2 Metal 1

I would like to total in a cell the total amount of plastic in the whole
chart. The total should be 4 not the amount of times the word plastic appears
in the chart. I need the total amount of plastic ordered.

Thanks for any help.


T. Valko

Assuming the items are in columns B, D and F and the numbers are in columns
C, E and G.

A1 = plastic



Wow. Thanks. I began trying to use vlookup. And then thought for sure I'll
have to use sumproduct and other complicated formulas. I didn't dream sumif
can do this. Thanks again.



I also need to get the min of a chart but looking up only one row. So if I
have a chart in A1:A10 codes (110, 112, 114, 116...) and in B1:F10 I have
prices, And I want in a cell the min (least) of code 112. Do I also use sumif?

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