Tara Stokes

Is there a way to have a VLOOKUP function look up a value in 2 columns
instead of 1 column?
Lookup_Value = looking up 1 cell that has a number in it. (Got that part)
Table_Array = Selected my area in my worksheet - ex:
01 topo table 30
02 topo model 31 reception desk
Col_index_num = This is where I would like it to look at both 2nd and 4th
column information. See above - If i enter a 01 or 02 - I get the correct
answer but if I enter a 31 I get a 0. I need a VLOOKUP mixed with a little
Range_lookup = TRUE

Is this possible?

Gary Brown

'Cell Formula using the OFFSET worksheet formula with multiple criteria to
' find a value in the same way that the VLOOKUP worksheet formula
' uses a single criteria to find a value.
'Forumla Example 1:
'Using actual values as the search criteria in EXAMPLE 1:
' or
'Forumla Example 2:
'Using cell references as the search criteria in EXAMPLE 1:
' - Remember to use CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER to make the formula an array
' showing the '{' and "}" at the beginning and ending of the formula
'Note: Just as VLOOKUP will give you the FIRST value it finds that meets it's
' criteria, this formul will give you the LAST value it finds that meets
' all of it's criteria.

Tara Stokes

You lost me. I have a list of numbers in column D and a list of numbers in
column H. I need the function to look in both columns and reply with an
answer that matches a different cell I've identified. I'm only matching up 1
cell not 2 cells. I need the function to look in 2 columns for the info. Ex:
ColumnA Column B Column C Column
D ColumnE
01 topo table 30 chair
02 topo model 31 reception desk

I want my cell to return the value for 31 = reception desk. Where E1 is
where my search info is.
=VLOOKUP(E1,A1:D4,2,TRUE) Since I can only have the VLOOKUP command look at
1 column of the table - I get a 0 return for 31. If my search was 01 or 02 -
I got the right answer.
Am I looking at this wrong?

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