I have the next:
Private Sub btn4_Click()
Dim magneto As Range
Dim numero
Dim valor As Variant
Dim existe As Boolean
Sheets("info").Visible = True
Set magneto = Worksheets("info").Range("A2:AY65526")
numero = ufConsulta.cboOrden.Value
existe = protege.existe(CStr(numero))
If existe = True Then
ufConsulta.txt33.Value = Application.VLookup(numero, magneto, 1, falso)
'Orden de reparación
ufConsulta.txt34.Value = Application.VLookup(numero, magneto, 2, falso)
'Número de siniestro
When the numero's value is something like "96LP" there's no problem.
However, when the value is like "96", then appears a type mismatch error.
What am I doing wrong?
I have the next:
Private Sub btn4_Click()
Dim magneto As Range
Dim numero
Dim valor As Variant
Dim existe As Boolean
Sheets("info").Visible = True
Set magneto = Worksheets("info").Range("A2:AY65526")
numero = ufConsulta.cboOrden.Value
existe = protege.existe(CStr(numero))
If existe = True Then
ufConsulta.txt33.Value = Application.VLookup(numero, magneto, 1, falso)
'Orden de reparación
ufConsulta.txt34.Value = Application.VLookup(numero, magneto, 2, falso)
'Número de siniestro
When the numero's value is something like "96LP" there's no problem.
However, when the value is like "96", then appears a type mismatch error.
What am I doing wrong?