Vlookup Vertically



Hi guys,

basically I need a way of locating a name along a specified row and
returning the value n rows below that name.

For example I have a target cell with a dropdown list, when I select a name
(ie "Dog") in that list I then need excel to identify this somewhere along
row B and return the value that is two rows below it.

Any help would be warmly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


Mike H


You question is confusing, there is no row B but maybe you mean this




Please get your terminology correct, Anthony - there is no row B, as B is a
column. Rows have numbers associated with them. It makes it very difficult
to know what you want if you mix these things up.



Many thanks Mike. apologies for not being clear I was in abit of a tizz
yesterday. Formula worked a treat anyway so thanks for the suggestion. Having
looked at my database again, I can see that I need to take it one step
further now. Basicaly I need to apply the same horizontal lookup and return
the corresponding value a specific number of rows below but now I also need
to return the value one column to the right also.

So for example find the word "dog" in row 2 and return the value 3 rows
below and one column to the right.

All help would again be very warmly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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