VLOOKUP WEAKNESS - help needed



I've two files:
file #1: DB file with about 1000 rows,
file #2 drawing data file.
(file #2 has tho sheets one of those is a linked copy of file #1)
I use vlookup funcion to extract data from #1 to #2 but I've
experienced the following problem/weakness.

If I use the whole #1 table (1000 rows) to draw data, everithing is
going well

If I use the whole #2 linked table (1000 rows) to draw data, I get 0
(zero) for each value

If I use a partial #2 table (335 rows) to draw data, everithing is
going well (down to the 335th row!), but if I extend the search area to
336 rows I get 0 again!

It sems that the limit of 335 rows exists only if I use a table array
in the same file (#2) and not with a reference outside the #2 file.

I read somewhere that vlookup function can have problem with big table
arrays, but, with a P4, 1GB RAM, a 1000rows DB and file #1 and #2 not
exceeding 1.5MB each, I think it shouldn't!
Does it?

Dave Peterson

The problems I've had with vlookup are data entry errors (extra spaces, numbers
as both text and numbers) and having too many in a giant worksheet. They can
really slow down calculations.

But I've never had any problem with the sizes you've mentioned. So I think it's
something else.

I'm kind of confused on how your data is laid out. But you may want to go back
to your formulas and double check them. In fact, you may want to post a few of
your formulas and a snippet of data (please don't attach a workbook).

Maybe someone will see the problem (and solution!).

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