vlookup with .csv data



i pull a csv file from a website with 3 columns of data approx. 450 rows
long. i.e.

Col. 1 Col.2 Col. 3
ABC ABC Co. 1.02
BCD BCD Inc. 0.89
CDE CDE Assoc. 1.45

i copy and paste this data into an existing file on Sheet 2.

The last column (F) on Sheet 1 has text that corresponds with column 1
above. I am trying to use VLOOKUP in Sheet 1 column (G) to bring the Col. 3
data to (G).
When i use the VLOOKUP it brings back the wrong data. It returns the data
from the correct column, but the wrong row. It returns the row ABOVE the
correct response.

=VLOOKUP(CDE,Sheet2!A1:E57,3) returns 0.89 (instead of 1.45)
=VLOOKUP(CDE,Sheet2!A1:E57,3,True) returns 0.89
=VLOOKUP(CDE,Sheet2!A1:E57,3,False) returns #N/A

the only way i have been able to make this work is to retype the data in
Col.1. but i need to be able to do this on demand and since this data changes
and there are 450+ rows, retyping is not practical.


Tom Hutchins

Vlookup has an optional final argument that I suspect you are not providing.
If this argument is TRUE or omitted, Vlookup will return an approximate match
- the largest value it finds which is smaller than your target. If you
specify FALSE for the final argument, an exact match is required. See the
help on Vlookup.

Hope this helps,



Try this

The $ sign makes the formula absolute reference, therefore when you
drag it down the column the table reference stay the same. Other wise
your formula will progressively get out of range
A1:E57 will change to

If you are using the Vlookup wizard after you enter the table range hit
F4 to make the absolut reference other wise just add the dollar signs.

Hope this work.

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