I am trying to do my homework again. I have done everything I can to get
this to work and I keep getting error messages.
I am trying to get the letter grade on 3 worksheets. I have a forth
worksheet that has the criteria for the letter grades. I have a list of
grade scores and I need to get the letter on it. I have put in this formula
and it shows the first letter grade but shows errors in the rest.
VLOOKUP(E2:E16,'Grading Criteria'!A2:B6,2) I am not sure what I am doing
wrong. I copy try to highlight down the column and then get like 2 more of
the 16 students grades as B the rest show an error #NA. What am I doing
Cell A2 Cell B2 A6 B6
-- 0 F 90 A
A3 B3
50 D
A4 B4
60 C
A5 B5
75 B
Too old to be in college
this to work and I keep getting error messages.
I am trying to get the letter grade on 3 worksheets. I have a forth
worksheet that has the criteria for the letter grades. I have a list of
grade scores and I need to get the letter on it. I have put in this formula
and it shows the first letter grade but shows errors in the rest.
VLOOKUP(E2:E16,'Grading Criteria'!A2:B6,2) I am not sure what I am doing
wrong. I copy try to highlight down the column and then get like 2 more of
the 16 students grades as B the rest show an error #NA. What am I doing
Cell A2 Cell B2 A6 B6
-- 0 F 90 A
A3 B3
50 D
A4 B4
60 C
A5 B5
75 B
Too old to be in college