


I have the following worksheets:


I have the following headers:

PropertyID PropertyName Address1 City State Country ZipCode ONEIAN

PropertyID PropertyName Address1 City State Country ZipCode ONECON

These are from columns A:H. I am trying to do a lookup in IAN (colum
I) that use the ONEIAN column and lookup to find a match in the ONECO
column in the OneTravel worksheet and send back the PropertyID colum
value from the OneTravel worksheet.

I tried this:


It didn't work. Help


It seems you are not using the VLOOKUP function correctly. Perhaps you
should do a little more research. The VLOOKUP function looks only to the
right; if the value you want returned is to the left, it will not work. In
your case, if the I20864 refers to the Property ID (what you want XL to
LOOKUP, in Column A, it will not be returned. You may find the appropriate
value by referring the the columns to the RIGHT of that column

If you wanted to find the Zip Code of the property identified by I20864
=VLOOKUP( "I20864",A1:H31814,7,FALSE)
because it appears the Zip Codes are in the 7th column.

Greeting from the Gulf Coast!
robertuva said:
I have the following worksheets:


I have the following headers:

PropertyID PropertyName Address1 City State Country ZipCode ONEIAN

PropertyID PropertyName Address1 City State Country ZipCode ONECON

These are from columns A:H. I am trying to do a lookup in IAN (column
I) that use the ONEIAN column and lookup to find a match in the ONECON
column in the OneTravel worksheet and send back the PropertyID column
value from the OneTravel worksheet.

I tried this:


It didn't work. Help!
creating financial statements

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