Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation



Hello all, I am new here and a little novice. I have a macbook pro running 10.5.1 and Office 2004. I have a 19 slide presentation. I attempted to record my voice-over the powerpoint, but it keeps cutting me off.

Does anyone know how I can record 20-30 minutes of audio over the slideshow? When I select record narration, it tells me that I can record ">1 hr, 48 kHz, 16 bit, Stereo" but it's no going.

Or, can anyone tell me where I can find an instruction booklet/download for this silly program???

Thank you!


Similar issue with Office 2008!

I can finish doing a narration, play it back and on many of the slides the narration is very short, cut off at about 15 to 20 seconds.
If I add a sound byte to a slide using Insert/Sound and Music/Record Sound.. anything over about ten to fifteen seconds is again cut off.
10.4.11, Power PC


Fred - I don't know about you, but I have to get these things done. I spoke with one of the Techs @ Vandy, where I'm in a grad prog, so you know I need to get this done! He sent me to <http://www.ambrosiasw.com/utilities/snapzprox/> where I downloaded the free version of the prog. It does a great job of recording what's on your screen and your voice from the on-board mic, and converting it to a quicktime movie. It takes up a bit of space, so you have to play with frame rates and mono vs stereo, but it sounds as good and should work (as long as no one needs to see your powerpoint notes).

This is the best I've found so far.


I am frustrated by this same problem. I spent 45 minutes narrating a presentation that I must have posted ASAP. Most of my slides' narration cuts off on a new MacBook running OS X 10.5 and PowerPoint2008. Will try snapzpro. I hope that MS addresses this issue in a fix for PowerPoint.

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