voice recognition it would be nice to have more training availabl

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Voice recognition questions?

I would like to see more training available for the voice recognition program
installed in windows X. P. it is a very good program to have but there still
is a lot of errors in the typing that I speak out I am using it right now to
write this text but I think with more training available. I think it would
be a lot more accurate. If somebody knows more information about how we
greatly appreciate some information to know if I'm doing anything wrong . I
would also like to know if I should read to the training program all over
again will that greatly affect the way I speak and the machine understand my
voice? Please respond to this someone at your earliest and the if need be
please e-mail me at (e-mail address removed) I am mostly using that e-mail so
please feel free to e-mail me at your convenience or just posted here thank

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