Voice Recognition



I am trying to expand the vocabulary in Office for the voice recognition
software. It doesn't recognize over half of the terms I am using ... (Legal
terms) ... I am having great success using the voice commands for editing
purposes but when it comes to dictation, it is giving me fits!!!! Please help

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Sorry - too little information.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, KC_Red_Man asked:

| I am trying to expand the vocabulary in Office for the voice
| recognition software. It doesn't recognize over half of the terms I
| am using ... (Legal terms) ... I am having great success using the
| voice commands for editing purposes but when it comes to dictation,
| it is giving me fits!!!! Please help

JoAnn Paules [MSFT MVP]

Warning: If you have pets near you when you are talking to your computer, it
may put that in your document. My husband, who most people think is a mute,
was using VR with Excel. The cats started acting up. He ended up with
"Alright you two! Knock it off!" in his spreadsheet.

He turned VR off.

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