Wait time


Tom F

I'm trying to do the following in Project and need some
* TaskA is the responsibility of Fred. TaskA is request
and receive information. It is Fred's responsibility, and
will take a total time of 5 days. However, 4 days of this
is WAIT time (ie mail, courier, etc), so it will only
require 15 mins of his time. How do I setup this TaskA to
have a duration of 5 days, and only require 15 mins of
Fred's time?
(TaskA may be a predecessor to TaskB)

Mike Glen

Hi Tom,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

From the Gantt Chart view, select the task and then Window/Split. Right
click in the bottom pane and select Resource Schedule. In the bottom pane
remove the check mark for Effort Driven and make the Task Type: Fixed Work -
now click OK to set that mode. Now enter the Resource Name, Work at .25h
and delay 39.75h, then press OK again. That should do it.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Steve House

IMHO, the task duration whould be the actual time the resource will be
physically active on it and not include waiting times, etc. So in your
example, task A has a duration of 15 min, task B has a duration of whatever,
they are linked finish-to-start, and the link has a 4 day lag time to allow
for the likely waiting time. If whatever it is from A makes it back in 2
days, show that as the actual start of B and the rest of the plan will jump
forward a couple of days since B is getting underway earlier than

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