Waiting for Document to load



am creating a word document that basically analyzes other word
documents that contain UAT test resuts (versus putting a button and
code on hundereds of documents). This should be done in VB.NET or
something along those lines, but licensing is an issue. My problem
lies when a document is opened up that takes a bit to load but the code

does not wait and executes before it is finished loading, giving
completely bogus results.
Here is the run down:

User selects which file to analyze using a dialog box, which
unfortunately does nothing else:


<document starts to load>

<"freezes" document loading and executes code, giving bogus data>

<document finishes loading>

<user gets confused>

I would like a way to wait for the document to finish loading before
the analyzing code is executed.

I have tried using DoEvents in a for loop, such as:

For i = 1 to 50
Next i

but since the CPU is generally doing nothing, it has virtually no



Don't know how VB.Net does this, but in ordinary VBA it's like this --

Dim pDoc as Word.Document

Set pDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=....)
---> this instruction isn't executed until pDoc is opened ...

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