Waiting for Document to load



I am creating a word document that basically analyzes other word
documents that contain UAT test resuts (versus putting a button and
code on hundereds of documents). This should be done in VB.NET or
something along those lines, but licensing is an issue. My problem
lies when a document is opened up that takes a bit to load but the code
does not wait and executes before it is finished loading, giving
completely bogus results.
Here is the run down:

User selects which file to analyze using a dialog box, which
unfortunately does nothing else:


<document starts to load>

<"freezes" document loading and executes code, giving bogus data>

<document finishes loading>

<user gets confused>

I would like a way to wait for the document to finish loading before
the analyzing code is executed.



NOTE: I have tried something like:

For i = 1 To 50
Next i

but because the CPU is doing virtually nothing, it has virutally no

Helmut Weber


see above: "How to test whether a document is fully loaded",
with a contribution from Jonathan West.

Other numerous samples to be found,
googling here for "ontime" and my decent name.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & "t-online.de"


Your help is greatly appreciated and it helped!
To bad google isn't better at picking things out because I searched all
yesturday on the groups!

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