Want a macro to open the Properties Dialog Box and enter text


Jessica Dubey

I want to be able to open the Properties Dialog and then enter
information into it, without having to retype or copy and paste each
time. Is this doable with VBA macros?


John Wilson

Which version?

Jessica Dubey said:
I want to be able to open the Properties Dialog and then enter
information into it, without having to retype or copy and paste each
time. Is this doable with VBA macros?


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Jessica Dubey

I want to be able to open the Properties Dialog and then enter
information into it, without having to retype or copy and paste each
time. Is this doable with VBA macros?


Oh yes, PowerPoint 2007 and 2010

Shyam Pillai

Hello Jessica,
Is the information going to be the same in the all the cases? If yes, then
you don't need to open the properties dialog, you can just run the code to
populate the field with values you set.

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard: http://skp.mvps.org/iiw.htm


So how do I even code that? I'm very new to this. I've found the basic
information, but I don't know how to find, for instance, the object that is
the Properties Dialog Box field.

Shyam Pillai


Enumerate all the builtin document properties:

Dim dp As DocumentProperty

'I've used on error resume next since there will be some properties where
' Value property will fail when there are not set.
' For example if the presentation has never been printed then 'Last print
date ' will fail.

On Error Resume Next
For Each dp In Application.ActivePresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties
Debug.Print dp.Name & ": ",
Debug.Print dp.Value

The builtin document properties can be accessed by name or by index.

With ActivePresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties
.Item(Index:=1).Value = "My Title"
.Item(Index:=3).Value = "Shyam Pillai"
End With

this is equivalent to:

With Application.ActivePresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties
.Item("title").Value = "My Title"
.Item("author").Value = "Shyam Pillai"
End with

You can add your own custom properties:

With ActivePresentation
Call .CustomDocumentProperties.Add(Name:="MyCustomPropery", _
LinkToContent:=msoFalse, _
Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, _
End With

These will appear on the File Properties | Custom tab.

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard: http://skp.mvps.org/iiw.htm

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