Want a reminder that IS the calendar entry, not an alert about ano


Deborah K

I keep looking in Outlook for a calendar entry type that is like the Reminder
entry in Lotus Notes calendaring. It allows me to put a reminder on my
calendar for a specific time of day, but it does not book a block of time
like an appointment would or block the whole day like an event, or even an
anniversary. For example, I just want to put on my calendar at 4:30 pm that
Friend's flight arrives...or that I'm supposed to put Frontline on my dog
tomorrow night.

I don't want to use Tasks--I'm not trying to identify start & due dates, and
tasks don't appear to allow me to tell them to remind me at a specific time.

Deborah K

Sorry--I see I can enter a time for a task reminder. So tasks might work for
some of my purposes. But not all--I really miss having a reminder as a
calendar entry type.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

you can use the Calendar - just set it to show the time as Free.

I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here: www.judygleeson.com
Canberra, Australia

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.

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