want console name & logonuser at the end of document



I'm having 200 users in my organisation who use office 2000 frequently there are 20 printers installed in network . I want to print logonname of user & computer name at the end of each page or document so user can filter out there printout .coz it's hectic to fetch out the print paper from the bunch of printouts
thankx /regards


Jim Gaudet, MCSE

I'm not sure how to do that, but I may have another solution. We used to
have the printer print a seperator page and make that seperator page legal
size. This way each set of prints will be seperated by a bigger piece of
paper, and you can have the login name put on the seperator page. You have
these in your printer setting.

Good luck,
Raghvendra said:
I'm having 200 users in my organisation who use office 2000 frequently
there are 20 printers installed in network . I want to print logonname of
user & computer name at the end of each page or document so user can filter
out there printout .coz it's hectic to fetch out the print paper from the
bunch of printouts


Private m_strUserName As String
Private m_strServerName As String
Private Declare Function GetUserName _
Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" _
(ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
nSize As Long) As Long

Public Function UserName() As String
Dim p_strBuffer As String
Dim p_lngBufSize As Long
Dim p_strName As String
Dim p_lngRtn As Long
' ------------------------------------------
' Retrieve the curent user's name from the
' operating system
' ------------------------------------------
p_strBuffer = Space$(255)
p_lngBufSize = Len(p_strBuffer)
p_lngRtn = GetUserName(p_strBuffer, p_lngBufSize)
' ------------------------------------------
' If failed, then just put in a blank
' Otherwise, fill in user name on the form
' ------------------------------------------
If p_lngRtn > 0 Then
m_strUserName = Left$(p_strBuffer, p_lngBufSize - 1)
m_strUserName = vbNullString
End If
UserName = m_strUserName
End Function


Paste the following into a Class Module - EG Class1
Sub Test()
Dim S As New Class1
MsgBox S.UserName
MsgBox S.ComputerName
End Sub

' begin Class
' *********************************************************
' Copyright (C)1997, Karl E. Peterson

Option Explicit
' Win32 APIs to determine OS information.
Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA"
(lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long
dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
dwMajorVersion As Long
dwMinorVersion As Long
dwBuildNumber As Long
dwPlatformId As Long
szCSDVersion As String * 128
End Type
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
' Win32 NetAPIs.
Private Declare Function NetWkstaGetInfo Lib "Netapi32.dll" (lpServer As
Any, ByVal Level As Long, lpBuffer As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function NetWkstaUserGetInfo Lib "Netapi32.dll" (ByVal
reserved As Any, ByVal Level As Long, lpBuffer As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "Netapi32.dll" (ByVal lpBuffer
As Long) As Long
' Data handling APIs
Private Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pTo As
Any, uFrom As Any, ByVal lSize As Long)
Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As
Private Declare Function lstrcpyW Lib "kernel32" (lpString1 As Byte, ByVal
lpString2 As Long) As Long
Private Type WKSTA_INFO_102
wki102_platform_id As Long
wki102_computername As Long
wki102_langroup As Long
wki102_ver_major As Long
wki102_ver_minor As Long
wki102_lanroot As Long
wki102_logged_on_users As Long
End Type
Private Type WkstaInfo102
PlatformId As Long
ComputerName As String
LanGroup As String
VerMajor As Long
VerMinor As Long
LanRoot As String
LoggedOnUsers As Long
End Type
Private Type WKSTA_USER_INFO_1
wkui1_username As Long
wkui1_logon_domain As Long
wkui1_oth_domains As Long
wkui1_logon_server As Long
End Type
Private Type WkstaUserInfo1
UserName As String
LogonDomain As String
OtherDomains As String
LogonServer As String
End Type
Private Const NERR_Success As Long = 0&
' Member variables
Private m_Wks As WkstaInfo102
Private m_User As WkstaUserInfo1
Private m_IsWinNT As Boolean
' *********************************************************
' Initialization
' *********************************************************
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Check to make sure we're running NT!
os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(os)
Call GetVersionEx(os)
If os.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Then
m_IsWinNT = True
End If
End Sub
' *********************************************************
' Public Properties (Workstation)
' *********************************************************
Public Property Get ComputerName() As String
ComputerName = m_Wks.ComputerName
End Property
Public Property Get Domain() As String
Domain = m_Wks.LanGroup
End Property
Public Property Get LanRoot() As String
LanRoot = m_Wks.LanRoot
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedOnUsers() As Long
LoggedOnUsers = m_Wks.LoggedOnUsers
End Property
Public Property Get PlatformId() As Long
PlatformId = m_Wks.PlatformId
End Property
Public Property Get VerMajor() As Long
VerMajor = m_Wks.VerMajor
End Property
Public Property Get VerMinor() As Long
VerMinor = m_Wks.VerMinor
End Property
' *********************************************************
' Public Properties (Workstation User)
' *********************************************************
Public Property Get LogonDomain() As String
LogonDomain = m_User.LogonDomain
End Property
Public Property Get LogonServer() As String
LogonServer = m_User.LogonServer
End Property
Public Property Get OtherDomains() As String
OtherDomains = m_User.OtherDomains
End Property
Public Property Get UserName() As String
UserName = m_User.UserName
End Property
' *********************************************************
' Public Methods
' *********************************************************
Public Sub Refresh()
Dim lpBuffer As Long
Dim nRet As Long
Dim wki As WKSTA_INFO_102
' These functions only exist in Windows NT!!!
If Not m_IsWinNT Then Exit Sub
' Obtain workstation information
nRet = NetWkstaGetInfo(ByVal 0&, 102&, lpBuffer)
If nRet = NERR_Success Then
' Transfer data to VB-friendly structure
CopyMem wki, ByVal lpBuffer, Len(wki)
m_Wks.PlatformId = wki.wki102_platform_id
m_Wks.ComputerName = PointerToStringW(wki.wki102_computername)
m_Wks.LanGroup = PointerToStringW(wki.wki102_langroup)
m_Wks.VerMajor = wki.wki102_ver_major
m_Wks.VerMinor = wki.wki102_ver_minor
m_Wks.LanRoot = PointerToStringW(wki.wki102_lanroot)
m_Wks.LoggedOnUsers = wki.wki102_logged_on_users
' Clean up
If lpBuffer Then
Call NetApiBufferFree(lpBuffer)
End If
End If
' Obtain user information for this workstation
nRet = NetWkstaUserGetInfo(0&, 1&, lpBuffer)
If nRet = NERR_Success Then
' Transfer data to VB-friendly structure
CopyMem wkui, ByVal lpBuffer, Len(wkui)
m_User.UserName = PointerToStringW(wkui.wkui1_username)
m_User.LogonDomain = PointerToStringW(wkui.wkui1_logon_domain)
m_User.OtherDomains = PointerToStringW(wkui.wkui1_oth_domains)
m_User.LogonServer = PointerToStringW(wkui.wkui1_logon_server)
' Clean up
If lpBuffer Then
Call NetApiBufferFree(lpBuffer)
End If
End If
End Sub
' *********************************************************
' Private Methods
' *********************************************************
Private Function PointerToStringW(lpStringW As Long) As String
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim nLen As Long
If lpStringW Then
nLen = lstrlenW(lpStringW) * 2
If nLen Then
ReDim Buffer(0 To (nLen - 1)) As Byte
CopyMem Buffer(0), ByVal lpStringW, nLen
PointerToStringW = Buffer
End If
End If
End Function

' *********************************************************
' end class
' *********************************************************
' *********************************************************
' *********************************************************
' *********************************************************
' *********************************************************

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