Want notification when duplicate value for field is entered



Greetings, thanks for assisting a newbie trying to stay afloat.

I'm designing a form that would notify the data enterer when a duplicate
value is entered into a particualr field. This field identifies a specific
production run of our product and we want to be notified witha pop-up box
when duplicate comments are made about the same production run for our QA

Most duplication features I've seen so far are for eliminating duplicates, I
don't want elimination, I want notification and then allow the entry process
to continue.

thanks inadvance for any guidance.



Given the freeform nature of comments, it may be difficult to get a match,
but the basic idea of any duplicate check on a field is to use the field's
Before Update event to do a DLookup on the field and take appropriate action.

In your case, you would be doing a DLookup on the comments field filter by
production run. I don't know your naming, so I will make them up for the

If Not (IsNull(DLookup("[Comments]", "SomeTable", "[ProductionRun] = '" &
Me.txtProductionRun & "' And [Comments] Like '*" & Me.txtComments & "*'"))
If MsgBox("Similar Comments Found - Ok to Continue", vbQuestion +
vbOkCancel) = vbCancel Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If

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