Want Office 2003 interface instead of Office 2007



Does anyone know how if there is a way to change the Office 2007 menu
interface back to Office 2003's classic menu??? I know it is in line with the
new look of Vista, but I am really annoyed with the Office 2007 interface.
They have changed the locations of the menus and regrouped different
functions in the menus. I HATE IT!!! I have memorized and have been using the
short cut keys (Alt+##+##) which still work with 2007 and that is the only
thing that has saved me from trashing this copy of Office.


pizzaman31 said:
Does anyone know how if there is a way to change the Office 2007 menu
interface back to Office 2003's classic menu??? I know it is in line with
new look of Vista, but I am really annoyed with the Office 2007 interface.
They have changed the locations of the menus and regrouped different
functions in the menus. I HATE IT!!! I have memorized and have been using
short cut keys (Alt+##+##) which still work with 2007 and that is the only
thing that has saved me from trashing this copy of Office.


Peter Foldes

Copied from Herb Tyson MVP Office

I believe that the 2nd one of these is free, but I don't know whether one of
them does a better job than the other of providing the "classic" 2003 look:



I found my own free compromise, that has allowed me to get past my initial
distaste for the new interface:


It involves about 10 minutes worth of effort to make the quick access
toolbar look like those from Word 2003. The same approach can be used to a
certain extent for other Office 2007 programs that use the ribbon interface.
Of course, this can't help if what you really miss is Office 2003's menus.

Though... if you still have your Office 2003 disks, you might be better off
reverting to Office 2003 and seeing if you can get a refund for Office 2007.
A lot of us have grown to like Office 2007, but if you don't need what it
has to offer, then you might be better off reverting. Good luck.
end snip<


Thanks for all you suggestions. I got the Office 2007 package as part of a
new laptop purchase, so I would have wanted Office 2003 instead if it were an


pizzaman, did you get the actual or the trial version of Office 2007? I got
the trial version with a new laptop. After using it for several weeks, I
opted to remove Office 2007 and revert to Office 2003 for several reasons,
the ridiculous Ribbon being one of them.

I am also working on transitioning to OpenOffice, since MS plans to use the
Ribbon everywhere they can and have ZERO plans to provide a classic UI,
despite requests from many longtime users.


-- Gemini

Bob I

Perhaps once you "transition" to OO, we will caese to be "blessed" with
your "insight"?


Well, Bob! It certainly sounds as though you feel threatened by viewpoints
different from your own. May I recommend you seek some therapy, as well as
some Dale Carnegie courses (to develop at least a decent level of people

BTW, the correct spelling is "cease", not "caese".

I suggest if you don't like my posts or feel inadequate in any way because
of them, feel free to ignore them. That's the mature way. I assure you it
won't hurt my feelings in any way!


-- Gemini

Bob I

I'd suggest that you move along, you assist no one, and your constant
whining is tiresome.

Good day!


I'd suggest that you move along, you assist no one, and your constant
whining is tiresome.
I suggest you follow your own suggestion. Whether you like it or not, there
are plenty of long time users who don't like the Ribbon UI and find it
counterproductive. That's a fact, learn to live with it and stop your whining
about those who don't share your viewpoint.

I have every right to voice my opinion here and agree with those who have
the same opinion. Are you mature enough to understand that?

As far as your "suggestions" are concerned, they have less value to me than
the weeds in my backyard.


-- Gemini

Bob I

Gemini said:
I suggest you follow your own suggestion. Whether you like it or not, there
are plenty of long time users who don't like the Ribbon UI and find it
counterproductive. That's a fact, learn to live with it and stop your whining
about those who don't share your viewpoint.

And may you do the same, except you are are not using Office and I am.
But, since you do seem to be a slow learner, we will cut you some slack.
I have every right to voice my opinion here and agree with those who have
the same opinion.

And I, likewise.

Are you mature enough to understand that?
Apparently you are the one that isn't capable of understanding that.



And I, likewise.
However, you don't have the right to levy personal attacks against others!
And may you do the same, except you are are not using Office and I am.
Lead by example, Bob and show us how you disappear, never to reappear!
But, since you do seem to be a slow learner, we will cut you some slack.
Only an utter fool makes such assumptions about others! I NEVER said I am
not currently using Office. You proved that your comprehension is very poor.
My 8 y.o son has better comprehension than that.

BTW, who are you to "cut me some slack"? You don't own this forum, nor do
you have any authority here. You are one of those supercilious fools who
don't seem to comprehend that not everyone shares your opinion.
Apparently you are the one that isn't capable of understanding that.
ROTFL! And this from one of the most childish posters here. Grow up, Bob!
Your personal attacks indicate you're very immature and aren't able to
discuss your perspective like an adult. I feel very sorry for you and sorrier
for your co-workers, neighbors who have to put up with your immaturity.

-- Gemini

Bob I

Gemini said:
However, you don't have the right to levy personal attacks against others!

I guess you believe you make the rules. Too bad you don't apply those
standards to yourself, I merely suggested you stop the incessant
whining, YOU made it personal.


I guess you believe you make the rules.
You're wrong again, Bob. I've never claimed that anywhere, anytime.
Too bad you don't apply those standards to yourself, I merely suggested you stop the incessant whining, YOU made it personal.
Actually, YOU made it personal. Read your own post on 07/31/08. That WAS
personal. I was responding to the OP. Have you noticed I don't bother
responding to your posts, unless you indulge in personal attacks, as you did

What you may consider "whining", is considered a valid opinion by mature
adults. That's merely your opinion and you do have the right to be wrong!

Once again, you've proved that you lack the maturity to understand others
may have a different viewpoint than yours. You're sounding like a complaining
kindergartener, the more you post.

As I've said before, if you don't like my posts, there is absolutely no need
to respond. I find zero value in your responses, based on your behavior here
and on other threads.

-- Gemini


Gemini said:
What you may consider "whining", is considered a valid opinion by mature

Unfortunately, as this is a technical peer to peer support group, "opinions"
don't solve problems, which is what people come here for, solutions. NOT


Opinions can help some decide on their course of action. I informed the OP
what course of action I had chosen to pursue and the reasons. I also asked
the OP a question.

A technical peer to peer group is also not a place to indulge in personal
attacks, belittle others, etc. Mature posters do not indulge in such

-- Gemini


Gemini said:
Opinions can help some decide on their course of action. I informed the OP
what course of action I had chosen to pursue and the reasons. I also asked
the OP a question.

A technical peer to peer group is also not a place to indulge in personal
attacks, belittle others, etc. Mature posters do not indulge in such

-- Gemini

New to Usenet?


grumpy in mn

I own my own business. I find this '07 interface infuriating! It took 20
minutes to find how to justify a paragraph. I just don't have that kind of
time to waste trying to find a simple function!!! To me, my computer is just
a tool...and I expect that tool to work...the same way...all the time, or it
can go into the dumpster. So did you ever figure out how to fix it??

Shailesh Shah

You can download free Office (Classic) menu addins from below site.


For Excel with new features of Excel-2007 download free "Exshail Classic
Menu" from

Shailesh Shah
If You Can't Excel with Talent, Triumph with Effort.

Free Addins Office Menu-2003 for Office-2007

Free Exshail Classic Menu for Excel-2007

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