want to add all $ in column c where column A is the same



I'm very new at Excel, and a real math dummy. I've
figured out how to enter a formula when all the $ I want
to add are together, but I can't figure out how to do
that when I want to select only the $ values for certain
items listed throughout the spreadsheet. For example:
I keep a running list of Architects, their projects and $
values of each project as they are assigned. I want to
automatically calculate the total current $ value for
each Architect without having to sort them in order, or
create a separate table for each architect. Can I do

Here's what the list looks like:

Architect Project Amount

Adams 123xx $17,041.00
Baker Smith 01-3310 $70,000.00
Baker Smith ab33 $46,380.00
Adams 144cc $15,000.00
Jones 233dd $12,005.00

Ken Wright

Have you considered Pivot tables? They would make a meal of this in *literally*
60 seconds:-

Select all data, hit Data / Pivot Table and PivotChart report, hit Next / Next /

Drag Architect to the left of the table and Amount to the middle. Done, and
make that 30 seconds.

If you'd like to see the projects by architect then just drag the Project field
in between Architect and the Values.




Thanks! Exactly what I needed. :)

-----Original Message-----
Have you considered Pivot tables? They would make a meal of this in *literally*
60 seconds:-

Select all data, hit Data / Pivot Table and PivotChart report, hit Next / Next /

Drag Architect to the left of the table and Amount to the middle. Done, and
make that 30 seconds.

If you'd like to see the projects by architect then just drag the Project field
in between Architect and the Values.



Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 00/02/03

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It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)
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