sierra spiegel
I have a data:
set A
3 21 23 30 43
1 20 36 52 53
18 19 36 45 59
9 16 27 35 57
set B
4 16 23 36 53
I want to create a formula that will count how many number in set B are repeated in set A. So set B has 16, 23, 36, 53 repeated in set A. there return value should be 4 because I only one to count each repeat number in set B only once. I have count the =countif(a1:e4,a6)+countif(a1:e4,a7)....but it gave me the total sum of each repeats..5. And that's not what I wanted? Please help.
EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Spambot Killer ASP.NET Mailto: Hyperlink Control
set A
3 21 23 30 43
1 20 36 52 53
18 19 36 45 59
9 16 27 35 57
set B
4 16 23 36 53
I want to create a formula that will count how many number in set B are repeated in set A. So set B has 16, 23, 36, 53 repeated in set A. there return value should be 4 because I only one to count each repeat number in set B only once. I have count the =countif(a1:e4,a6)+countif(a1:e4,a7)....but it gave me the total sum of each repeats..5. And that's not what I wanted? Please help.
EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Spambot Killer ASP.NET Mailto: Hyperlink Control