Want to open tables in browser page in Excel spreadsheet




Does anyone know of a tool that can convert HTML tables in a browser (Firefox) page to a form that can be opened into an Excel worksheet?



JE McGimpsey

Does anyone know of a tool that can convert HTML tables in a browser
(Firefox) page to a form that can be opened into an Excel worksheet?<br>

Not sure what you're looking for here...

If you Save Page As and choose Web Page, HTML Only, XL will open the
file directly.

You can also usually copy a table and paste it directly into an XL

A third alternative is to use a web query. See




I've already tried the first two suggestions you offered but neither worked. The third is not an option since the table appearing in my web browser was generated locally by another app running on my Mac.

Using the first suggestion when I open Excel and browse for the saved file it is greyed out and I can't select it. Using the copy and paste option I loose all the table formatting - the data is not arranged in rows and columns as it is on the browser page.

Maybe I'll just write a VBA script to parse out the data from the HTML file and put in a worksheet.

Thanks for your help,


JE McGimpsey

Using the first suggestion when I open Excel and browse for the saved file it
is greyed out and I can't select it.

How about if you select "All files" from the Enable dropdown in the Open

JE McGimpsey

Using the copy and paste option I loose all the table formatting - the data
is not arranged in rows and columns as it is on the browser page.

Hmm... it works for me from a large number of tables that I've tried.

JE McGimpsey

The third is not an option since the table appearing in my web browser was
generated locally by another app running on my Mac.

Just use the proper URI - e.g.,:

file:///Users/<your name>/Documents/html_tables.html

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