want to restore an email after emptying from the deleted folder!!



I have lost some emails from Outlook 2003 and I want to get them back. I
emptied the deleted files folder but thought that they would go to the
windows recycle bin but they don' appear to be there! Is there anywhere else
they would have gone or are they hidden in the recycled bin somewhere or are
they lost for ever??

Thanks Jeremy.


The deleted folder is not somewhere you should store mail.
If you don't have a backup of your outlook data file, they've gone
And no, items deleted in Outlook dont go to the recycle bin

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Unless you have exchange server account with the dumpster enabled, they are
most likely gone, especially if much time has passed since you did it.
See http://www.outlook-tips.net/howto/recover_deleted.htm

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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