Wanted: Worksheet Tabs that "mirror" the first few columns of Pre



I want to create 4 worksheets in a file (rather than ONE worksheet with 60
columns) where Worksheet Tab 1 is the "master" and Worksheet Tab 2, Worksheet
Tab 3, etc. contain information that is similar to Worksheet Tab 1 in the
first 6 columns, but columns 7-x have different information and needs to be
protected by a different password.

For example:
Tab 1 (MASTER) Customer Name, Customer Type, Project Name, Project Weight,
Project Manager, Install Person
Tab 2 (same columns as Tab 1 for 1-6) and then Customer Address, Customer
City, Customer State, etc.
Tab 3 (same columns as Tab 1 for 1-6) and then NPS Score, Contact Person,
Contact Date, etc.
Tab 4 (same columns as Tab 1 for 1-6) and success factor score 1, success
factor score 2, success factor score 3, etc.

*If I add a new customer row to Tab 1, I would like it to be inserted into
the other worksheets too (with columns 1-6 populated)*. Columns 1-6 would be
a mirror image of Tab 1 on the other worksheet tabs. I was thinking maybe an
"Add" / "Delete" macro would work, but don't know how to give it the
insert-above "this row" information. Or, maybe there is a better idea

If this is possible, I know how to set up the protection on a worksheet.

Thank you.

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