Hi Scott,
You don't need to get a Swedish font. Your standard font should support
all the special characters you need. What you should do is switch your
keyboard to Swedish so that you can enter Swedish characters using a US
English keyboard (I presume that it was you have).
Go into Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Languages,
Details. Then add Swedish. Make sure that the default remains at US
English though. When you click on Language bar, you can decide where to
display the setting which language is currently activated. By default,
the language bar either appears a toolbar somewhere on your screen or as
a small icon left of the tray (the taskbar piece that has the clock). It
should show EN when you have the US English keyboard activated. Click it
and you can switch to Swedish. In the Key Settings you can adjust the
shortcut keys that are used to switch languages.
When you switched the language to Swedish, your keyboard will now behave
as if it was a Swedish keyboard. Now you just need to learn where all
the characters are on a Swedish keyboard and how that maps to your
standard US keyboard...
BTW, the language setting is specific to each program. If you have Word
and Outlook open e.g. and you change the language in Outlook to Swedish,
then it will still be English in Word.
Patrick Schmid