Wanting to Learn


Carl Johnson

I want to learn to be able to write vba code but have limited understanding
of it. I have purchased several books on how to already but they are more of
the lecture type with no built in exercises to help me grasp that particular
instructional format, and I am the type of learner that needs to have a
hands on approach to what I am trying to learn. Is there any text books that
I can purchase that would help me in my endeavor to learn vba. Thank you.


Hi Carl,
Sorry, I can't suggest a book, but it really helps to just think of an
idea and try to code it out.

For example, just randomly think what you can use.. a calendar? a grade
calculator? try it out, see where you get stuck, research on it, keep
coding, get stuck, study, code.... That's the best way to learn. Books are
good to learn the feel for the language, but when you code it, it will stay
in you.

Try to read from a database, (stock tickers, your own website). Generate
graphs from data, create grading book, etc. etc. list is infinite. If
someone wants to use it, requests will come in, you get to do more. I
believe there was even a site that you can take tasks that people want done
(rentacoder I believe).

Good luck and welcome to the VBA world.

Kenjiro Yagi


Just came to mind.. just help people find answers on this forum is another
good way to learn.

Pete Bennett

I use the "VBA Developers Handbook" but Getz and Gilbert. Goes into a good
level of depth and had tons of example code that actually does useful things.

It's not geared toward any application (Word, Excel etc), but just
concentrates on VBA itself.

If you want to learn a bit more about how the commands for the applications
themselves work, then a good starting place is to simply record a macro that
does what you want and look at the result in the VBA editor.

With experience, you'll learn to forget recording macros altogether (as they
often put in more code than you really need) and just write the code you
specifically want.

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