Warning: I am experiencing Lots of Problems with FP 2003 and Database Results Wizard


Exiled Canuck

Just an FYI to everyone. Since upgrading to FP 2003 and Access 2003 I
have had numerous ASP pages with Database Results Wizards fail. The
problem has been severe with many pages affected and the only possible
cause is the decision to upgrade from FP 2002 and/or Access 2002.

One of the problems I experienced was pages where a DRW was programmed
to query a table and return all records. These DRW queries are all
broken and cannot seemly be fixed in FP 2003. I have (painfully)
solved most of the other errors produced by this disasterous upgrade,
but consider this fair warning.

I was operating a website designed entirely in FP 2002 with a couple
of Access 2002 databases that worked flawlessly until I upgraded to FP
2003. As soon as a page was opened in FP 2003 and uploaded to the
server (even without any changes on my part) the ASP page returned a
DRW error and no longer functioned.

Here is a typical error message from an asp/DRW page that used to work
by querying a table in an access 2002 database and returning all the

"Database Results Wizard Error
Description: Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause.
Number: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine"

Chris Freeman

I'm haing the same problem. I created everything just
perfectly in fp2002. And now fp2003 has crashed my entire
setp. I even tried uninstalling, and re-installing my
2002, but the error continues. As usual, Microsoft
refuses to uninstall its own product and the remnants
cuase the same problems.

I was hoping to find answers here, but seems like I'll
have to completely reformat to cure it. no one has an

Chris Freeman

I may have found a workaround for the _fpclass problem.
The issue may not be with the fp2003 app, but with an
additional file the app writes to the server.

I couldn't get things working right, so I decided to back
out for a moment, and create a new database, outside of my
usually web folder. I used the DRW to create a whole new
database. I created the fields via DRW step 2, and
followed the full process as usual. At the end, the
database worked fine and allowed for hyperlinked
parameters. Then, I took a look at the _fpclass folder and
noticed that in addition to the _vti_cnf folder, there was
a 2000 folder. this folder had a new FPDBLIB.INC, all
caps, file in it. Don't know what the difference was, but
I copied the entire contents of the new _fpclass folder
into the web site where I was having problems, replacing
the old folder, and voila, everything is working again.

Hopefully this helps

Chris Freeman

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